Monday, June 21, 2010

Abalone Shell Nugget Duo - New Lampwork Glass Beads

ABALONE SHELL | Twists and Turns of Raku Reactions with Copper Red and Aqua Crystal, over a base of Rustic Ivory and Fine Shimmering Italian Silver, framed in Glossy Onyx... TWO (2) Glass Lampwork Nugget Shaped Beads.

RIO DE JANEIRO | Exciting Blend of Goldstone Aventurine Shimmers with light Plum, Magenta, Teal, and light Turquoise...(12)Glass Lampwork Organic Seed Beads, hand faceted to capture the light with a lovely visual texture.

IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY | Vibrant shades of Ruby Pink, Celadon, Lemon Yellow, and Golden Apricot, with hints of plum and magenta. ...(12) Glass Lampwork Organic Seed Beads, hand faceted to capture the light with a lovely visual texture.


  1. Love them BOTH!!! They are both in my wish list! :)

  2. Thanks Kristen! I will try to slip some samples in with your latest order, shipping this week =)
